Flight Details
FLIGHT: 170 From: Oakland, CA To: Honolulu, HI Depart(s/ed): 11-29-2003 09:15am Aircraft: MD-11
Flight Crew: Karl Brannigan Pilot Experience Hours: 90.5 Crashes: 0 Total Flights: 41 Landed
Flight Details: Nice flight, still have to get used to the power on take off as I busted 250 below 10000. Nice cruise. Some scattered cloud that became very annoying on final but still managed to make a visual landing. Again need to get used to the high landing speed.
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
2G | JJ the Jetplane 3B | jj jax 3H | CAPT DW LANE 4B | CAPTSCOTTIMUS 4H | CAPTBRAD
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline