Flight Details
FLIGHT: 18 From: Boise To: Spokane Depart(s/ed): 01-14-2003 09:30pm Aircraft: 737-200
Flight Crew: Level3Tunt Pilot Experience Hours: 7024.6 Crashes: 0 Total Flights: 3205 Landed
Flight Details: Guess what. ok, its delayed again. SPECIAL PROMOTION DEAL: All passengers on this flight have the opportunity to join the "Mile High Club" POST FLIGHT INFO: This flight went smoothly, except the visibility was down to about 3.5 miles from the runway, I was hoping for 1/8 mile visibility or less to be somewhat fun. 1st image, Boise takeoff ; 2nd image is where the runway come into sight at Spokane ; 3rd image is the terminal at Spokane.
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
24357 76558 Osama bin Laden Jessie Evens Sky Marshall Bob Sky Marshall Steve Sky Marshall Sally Sky Marshall Jeff Sky Marshall Gloria Sky Marshall Joseph Sky Marshall Larry Sky Marshall Lewis Sky Marshal George SamBob DarnNearsome Carol Sue LouToo
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline