Flight Details
FLIGHT: 20 From: Seattle To: Las Vegas Depart(s/ed): 01-25-2003 02:45pm Aircraft: 737-200
Flight Crew: Level3Tunt Pilot Experience Hours: 7024.6 Crashes: 0 Total Flights: 3205 Landed
Flight Details: The flight started out okay. However, while in decent, and approach for runway 1L, I quickly learned that I had a failed airspeed indicator after receiving a stall warning at 230 knots and in almost level flight. While my time was almost fully consumed by this failure I glanced at the altimiter and noticed Ive been at 7000 feet for a while. Ive heard of a double instrument failure, but never have witnessed one. At this point I was wondering which gauges which were still in operation, or if I should trust any of them. KLAS traffic was busy at VATSIM, and roger wilco keept kicking me out, which forced me to use text. They did a great job of directing me to runway 1L, however with no altimiter and airspeed indicator and considering the rapidly changing terrian it was far to difficult to navigate a non-ILS approach (not to mention it was pitch black outside). I finally had to give up using VORs because I didnt know if those still worked or not, I had to finally cheat and use the squawkbox radar and look at the VORs to get me back to BLD, which I know would line me up for the ILS. I knew once I was on the glideslope I would be safe from hitting any terrain, and by seeing my rate of decent/climb/pitch and the position of my throttle I could guesstimate my airspeed. Once I was on localizer and glideslope it was pretty easy to land. But watching the altimiter and airspeed gauge not moving was frightning.
A similar situation like this has occured before but over the ocean in pitch black. Where a 757 had been freshly painted but the masking tape hadnt been removed from the static points, thus causing incorrect altimiter and airspeed readings. More information about this incident can be located at:
http://www.airdisaster.com/cgi_bin/view_details.cgi?date=10021996®=N52AW&airline=Aeroperu If anyone is interested
The folks at vatsim did an amazing job at sorting out the confusion and switching the active runway at the last second, I give them props! Thanks guys!

This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
01A | Drunkin Bill 01C | Jason Subchinski 01D | Huh Exactly 01F | Steve Chadwick 02B | Matthew Whittaker 02C | Executive Bob 02D | Lisa Smith 02D | Lisa Smith 03A | Frank Gerberdink 03B | Mohammed Attar 03C | Ian McAllister 03D | Joseph Stones 10A | Liz Evens 10B | Freddie Fred Fred Fred Fred 10C | Jessie Neagle 10D | Coach Wilson 10E | Harriett Steakley 10F | Nervous Mike 11A | greg roberts 11B | Allie Bodin 11C | Lonnie Pinedo 11D | Serena Demko 11F | Clayton Digiacomo 12A | Saundra Comes 12B | Chris Meyle 12C | David Hasselhoff 12D | Roxie Schweiger 12E | Cody Haveman 12F | Lance Malagon 13A | Kelly Miers 13B | Lenore Wahlstrom 13C | Melia 13D | Lonnie Blanca 13E | ivana roberts 13F | Zelma Siqueiros 14A | Juan Hunglo 14B | Kurt Kleckner 14C | Kurt Seaborn 14D | Bob the Thob 14E | Milagros Hamric 14F | Bill Gates 15A | Anthony McCurry 15B | Patrick Wisniewski 15C | Iain Truskett 15D | Tameka Samsel 15E | Amie Mickel 15F | Mike Oberg 16A | Earnestine Dalman 16B | Hillary Siguenza 16C | Julianne Wootton 16D | Darryl Isabell 16E | Lilia Mcmains 16F | Lance Granberry 17A | Javier Huf 17B | Sofia Sease 17C | Darren Tichenor 17D | James Bond 17F | Ted Lichtman 18A | Hugh Couto 18B | Homer Simpson 18C | Hugh Lerch 18D | Roxie Cumbie 18E | Nelson Schweizer 18F | Tori Amos 19A | Arnold M 19C | Allan Jagger 19D | Harriett Ficklin 19E | Julio Abad 19F | Tania Adkison 20A | Bob McPurtry 20B | Lance Srour 20C | Christian Tekulve 20D | Darren Puchalski 20E | Fernando Adolphson 20F | Kurt Ziebell 21A | Nita Sigmund 21B | Erik Kellett 21C | Mathew Vancleve 21D | Allan Mau 21E | Alejandra Peredo 21F | Hugh Gass 22A | Clinton Pan 22B | Tia Pfau 22C | Christian Tindal 22D | Jeanie Steere 22E | Noemi Ruckman 22F | Guy Chappel 23A | Liza Casteneda 23B | Christian Stock 23C | Cody Tims 23D | Julio Pilger 23E | Mathew Felmlee 23F | Stacy Smith 24A | Jeanie Marois 24B | Soderlund 24C | Kris Keller 24D | Gord Spence 24E | Jamie Previti 24F | some name 25A | Greg Smith 25B | Ahmed Carr 25D | Igor Vuvichyurkokoff 25E | Lisa Jones 25F | jack mihoff COCKPIT | Kris Keller LAVATORY | Stinky Jess
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline