Flight Details
FLIGHT: 275 From: Jackson, MS To: Albuquerque, NM Depart(s/ed): 09-22-2004 02:15pm Aircraft: MD-11
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Finally made it to Albuquerque,NM!. #1 Engine sputtered all the way but fortunately the Chance Air ground crew identifyed the problem as the "high pressure anti-sputter bypass coupler valve." AutoZone had them in stock and it has been replaced for our next departure to San Francicso. We had a really nice load of passengers for this flight and I would like to thank all of you for "taking a chance and flying with Chance Air!" I'll add pictures tomorrow 9/23.
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
12E | Samantha 15J | Marcus 25J | Buka 2A | ALEX 2B | Barbara 2D | Jack 2G | Jim 2H | Ophelia 38A | Mitch 38B | Sarah 38C | Bush 38D | Kerry 38F | Richard 38G | Andrew 39A | Eric 39B | Mike 39H | Bob 39J | Joyce 3A | Jill 3B | Ericka 3D | Smith 3G | Matthew 3H | Laura 3J | Won 4A | Mark 4B | Lee 4D | Phil 4G | Kim 4H | Will 4J | Tobias COCKPIT | Hijack
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline