Flight Details
FLIGHT: 296 From: Tuscon, AZ To: Dallas, TX Depart(s/ed): 10-09-2004 06:44pm Aircraft: DC-8
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Heading to Dallas to pickup 33 kegs of beer out of my mom's garage. I will have to fly back to Tuscon on Sunday to discuss spaghetti issues with Karl. Please...take a Chance and fly with us!
Rough flight, jet stream didn't cooperate. I would like to thank Marko Savatic for sitting in the jump seat and helping me get to Dallas. Marko...thanks for taking a Chance and flying with us.
Now how to get the kegs of beer to DFW for the flight back to Tucson to meet with Karl.
Number of Passengers:
22G | Marko Savatic
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline