Flight Details
FLIGHT: 301 From: Salt Lake City, UT To: Sacramento, CA Depart(s/ed): 11-04-2004 10:18am Aircraft: MD-11
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Test flight to test Alain's MD-11 panel update on the PAX version of the IFDG MD-11. All is well, next update will be the Mike Stone MD-11 in Chance Air livery. Too bad CityBird fell to same repurcusions as other airlines, Sept, 11 fallout and rising fuel costs. The MD-11 looks cool in green. The real paint was a little darker.
Regards, Jimmy
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline