Flight Details
FLIGHT: 327 From: Las Vegas, NV To: Tuscon, AZ Depart(s/ed): 03-06-2005 08:14am Aircraft: MD-80
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Welcome to Chance Air flight 327. We had a short delay while the crack ground crew replaced the short side low pressure valve on the beer keg. We are sorry for the delay. Please enjoy your flight if possible!
Uploaded some flight photos for you. Flying Continental livery today on the latest SGA MD-83. Nice flight, still some snow on the ground. Thanks to Country Steve, John Smith (00100@post.com), Joeseph, sandra (Sandra@aol.com),Sandra (Dundie@aol.com) for taking a chance and flying with Chance Air today. Enjoy your stay in Tuscon.
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
10D | sandra 13F | Sandra 21A | Joeseph 21F | John Smith COCKPIT | Country Steve
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline