Flight Details
FLIGHT: 337 From: Bristol, TN To: Chicago, IL Depart(s/ed): 06-02-2005 10:10am Aircraft: MD-80
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Rescheduled around my wife's dining room remodel.
-Finally made it. I will post screenshots ASAP! Thanks for taking a Chance and flying with Chance Air!
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
11D | Mike 12A | adam 13A | ned 13B | ed 13E | Elvis 13F | ben 14A | vet 14B | brad 14B | mike 17A | brown 17B | kim 17F | adamo 3A | jack 3A | jimmyF 4E | Tyler 8A | Spencer 8F | jake
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline