Flight Details
FLIGHT: 359 From: Albuquerque, NM To: Las Vegas, NV Depart(s/ed): 12-17-2005 09:00am Aircraft: A320
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Landed early becasue i tried to hit M1.0 (Mach 1, in an A320) .. it didn't make it, but we arrived early and skidded down the wet runway at Las Vegas
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
13F | Milly Gouley 17F | Captain Jimmy 23E | Josephine Lorenzo 23F | Pedro Garcia 7A | Sam Farrel 7D | Jerry Smith 7D | Frank Maba
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline