Flight Details
FLIGHT: 362 From: Honolulu, USA To: Manila, Philippines Depart(s/ed): 12-26-2005 09:00am Aircraft: MD-11
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Delayed to rebbook passengers on flight 361, which will connect up to Manila, Philippines, Sorry for the small delay,, (ALL PEOPLE PURCHASING A THIS FLIGHT TO MANILA MUST BOOK A FLIGHT TO HONOLULU BEFORE THE DEPARTING DATE)
LANDED FINALLY - the cabin crew were out drinking on oahu after the second officer stole a 717 from hawaiian airlines and landed for the get together. - but made it in time for a joy flight down to Angeles City Philippines (the party district)
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
11G | Mark Adams 22J | Beer Drinker 25J | Gorgia Mcintyre 29A | Gary Marbet 37B | howlinowl 3A | Franz Fernando 9J | Rita Malcade COCKPIT | Thomas Auer
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline