Flight Details
FLIGHT: 41 From: Monterey, CA To: San Luis Obispo, CA Depart(s/ed): 01-28-2003 12:00pm Aircraft: DC-3
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Departed Monterey at 12:00 PST arrived San Luis Obispo at 13:13 PST. We were held up landing at our destination by heavy low clouds but finally arrived about 20 minutes late safe and sound. Pictures show our leaving Monterey (top) and two coastal views before we flew into weather about 60 miles out of San Luis Obispo. Thank you for taking a Chance.
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
1A | Greg Hampton 1B | Lisa Evens 1C | Kris Keller 2A | Annabelle Vivas 3A | Lance Wolverton 3C | Tania Behar 5C | Ashlee Clute 6A | Elinor Humber 6B | Ted Humber 7A | Lance Howser 7B | Linda Howser 7C | Jami Gallina
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline