Flight Details
FLIGHT: 53 From: Tucson, AZ To: Honolulu, HI Depart(s/ed): 02-02-2003 07:00am Aircraft: 707-320
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: ATC cleared us for takeoff at 07:13 MST with 12,000 gallons of fuel onboard. We have a 65 knot crosswind making our speed over the water 410 knots, our airspeed is Mach 0.74. ETA is 20:55 UT 12:55 PST. Our cruise altitude today will be 35,000 feet.
(Photos top-down. Click on photo to enlarge) 1. Flora we expect to see in a few hours. 2. Early morning takeoff. 3. Mach 0.74 at 35,000 feet half way across. 4. Over the Blue Pacific at 18:22 UT. 5. Downtown Honolulu.
Arrival time 10:47 Honolulu time, 20:47 UT.
Thank you for taking a Chance.
Number of Passengers:
22G | Leif Oines 22G | Red Hopper 22G | Kristopher Keller 22G | Angel Johnson 22G | Carlene Blomberg 22G | Milagros Emmick 22G | Mathew Buttery
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline