Flight Details
FLIGHT: 543 From: Daytona Beach, FL To: Kingston, MKJP Depart(s/ed): 07-18-2008 12:00pm Aircraft: 737-200
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: she landed despite weather that would otherwise restrict any aircraft(s) from landing at the time... Not much traffic, a rocky descent over jah-maica. Free jerky and red-stripe beer, the flight is done.
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
01C | Haile Selassie 03A | The Real John Doe 03C | Sultan Mahakutta Kiram 03D | Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah 12C | Imelda Marcos 15A | Hillary Clinton 15F | Kim song Il 21A | Veejay Ishmar 24D | George Abdougnwende COCKPIT | loverbus LAVATORY | Paris Hilton OVERHEADBIN | Lindsay Lohan RIGHTWING | Illegal Immigrant
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline