Flight Details
FLIGHT: 59 From: Portland, OR To: Seattle, WA Depart(s/ed): 02-03-2003 11:55pm Aircraft: 737-200
Flight Crew: Level3Tunt Pilot Experience Hours: 7024.6 Crashes: 0 Total Flights: 3205 Landed
Flight Details: Ultra easy flight, VFR all the way pretty much.
IMAGE 1: Leaving Portland
IMAGE 2: Wave hi to the peeps in the space needle
IMAGE 3: 3 out from SODOE, wave hi again to peeps in space needle
IMAGE 4: Short Final KSEA RWY 16R
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
01A | Bob Tamkins 01C | Fred Fjerestad 01D | Angel Johnson 03A | Jeevan Morris COCKPIT | Fred Fjerestad LAVATORY | Bob Bob
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline