Flight Details
FLIGHT: 68 From: Tulsa, Ok. To: Galveston,Tx. Depart(s/ed): 01-31-2003 06:20pm Aircraft: 737-200
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Well we made it. Four pax MADE me rent a 182 and take to them to the BREW PUBS on Richmond...more later
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
01A | Jessie Utt 01B | Rusko Elvenwood 01C | Fred Fjerestad 01D | Nancy Ford 02A | Carmella Retzlaff 02B | Doug 02C | Delbert Anatole 02D | Noemi Dallman 03A | Max Nolin 03B | Maggy Nolin 03C | Tyrone Wootten 03D | Benita Boze 10A | Noreen Siciliano 10F | Jeevan Morris 15A | Lance Graddy 15C | Clinton Loughran 15F | Cody Paradiso 20F | Harriett Fortuna 24A | Darcy Sergi 24B | Greg Sergi 25F | Tyrone Funchess RIGHTWING | Kris Keller
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline