Flight Details
FLIGHT: 70 From: Corpus Christi To: New Orleans Depart(s/ed): 02-15-2003 09:27am Aircraft: 727-200
Flight Crew: Karl Brannigan Pilot Experience Hours: 90.5 Crashes: 0 Total Flights: 41 Landed
Flight Details: Nice flight and a nice part of the country I have never been to before. Enjoyed tracking the coast line. My pilot’s skills are not up to shape. Partly due to the plane and partly due to my ever increasing reliance on the auto pilot. On climb out went to a VSI of 6000 and the decent was terrible and the landing was even worse. Will have to go back to a basic autopilot and hand fly her.
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
01A | kris keller 02B | JoeBob 10A | Oda Storti
10B | Ted Tegeler 10B | Winfred Defilippi
10E | jeevan 11D | Marcelino Vellucci
11E | Frederic Cheser
11F | Eleonor Sipper
12C | Max Cavallo 12D | Tempie Fedorek
12F | Marcelino Atterson
13A | Chandra Dinkel 13C | Emory Carlis
13F | Tyrone Ausmus 14D | Grisel Stojanovic
14E | Cruz Mapalo
15F | Melisa Corry 18A | bob the builder 18B | Rosio Orser
18G | Chandra Horwitz 19A | Lane Suitor
21A | Krytos 22C | Chandra Horwitz 22F | nhv 23C | Corrinne Chicca
24B | Kirby Gaumont
24E | Contessa Cleamons
25C | Sokolowski 25D | Merlin Mostyn
28E | Giovannini
29A | Darren Ifill 29A | Cleo Mcconaughy
29C | Fredda Nori
31D | Jenae Wamhoff
31F | Dick Olexa
32C | Lieselotte Verhoff
32D | Irwin Mador
32E | Maragaret Waldhoff
32F | Illa Ostlie
33C | Collin Prys
34B | Kirby Rairdon
35B | Lashaunda Ethen
35D | Merrill Bodrick
36F | Sheba Hokkanen
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline