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Current Date/Time:         December 21, 2024, 16:43 ZULU
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(VA Friendly)

Flight Details

From: Galveston, TX
To: Lafayette, LA
Depart(s/ed): 02-13-2003 09:00am
Aircraft: DC-3

Flight Crew:
Pilot Experience Hours:
Total Flights:

Flight Details: Chance Air DC-3 Coast-to-Coast Service to Galveston, Texas


Chance Air DC-3 Coast-to-Coast Service to Lafayette, Louisiana.


A completely different set of words is needed to describe our destination.  Words like Cajun, Creole, and Zydeco begin to give you the feeling of what you might expect when you arrive in Lafayette.


Twenty-one luxury seats waiting for you on our DC-3


Flight departed Galveston at 9:10 CST


Flight photos.  (click on photo to enlarge)


1.  Goodbye Galveston!

2.  Flying up the coast.

3.  Lafayette from the pilot’s seat.

4.  The BIGGEST badge I have ever seen.  Almost as BIG as his gun.


We landed in Lafayette at 10:28 CST.  When the engines were shut down, a police car drove up and showed us a court order.  The court for nonpayment of debts has confiscated the airplane.  Seems that our creditors read the schedules too and got a court order in Louisiana.  The hearing is scheduled for March 24, 2003, in New Orleans.  Unless Chance Air comes up with the money, it looks like the DC-3 is stuck here in Lafayette until March 24th. 


I have been stuck in worst places.  I just hope the home office sends some money down because I am broke too.


Life is cruel.  Stuck in Louisiana during Marti Gras.  Ohhh... cruel world.


Thank you for taking a Chance!





This flight is 0% full

Number of Passengers:

1A | Leif Oines
1B | Jennifer Catherine Oines
1C | Angel Johnson
2A | Hettie Riobe
3C | Christel Pense
4A | Li Vanwyngaarden
4C | Kenton Stuesse
6A | Mac Baridon
6C | Gemma Knori
7A | Rolanda Totino
7C | Connie Letourneaux

Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline