Flight Details
FLIGHT: 77 From: Miami To: Grand Cayman Depart(s/ed): 02-07-2003 07:30pm Aircraft: 737-200
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Ok...this is not atotal flop. I'm late and a bit ...
Climb on board...LAST CALL! Ok.. so Im late. Git over it or take yer clothes off. What!? only 12 hours?
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
01A | Tabatha Depue 01D | Fernando Breit 02A | Avis Farnell 02B | Cody Burgher 02C | Jessie Krejci 03C | Clayton Eutsey 03D | Tia Notter 10D | Jamie Pentecost 13B | Jamie Pentecost 13C | Tania Vanwyk 14A | Althea Poss 15A | Julio Schermerhorn 15B | Roxie Riegel 15C | Katy Schuch 15D | Ericka Viviano 15E | Fernando Stainbrook 15F | Rae Costanza 16A | Clare Massingill 16D | Marylou Costales 16F | Pearlman 18A | Hugh Denzer 18C | Kurt Pilkins 20F | Emilia Sherrick 23F | Neil Mento 25A | Clayton Wieczorek 25B | Erik Wightman 25D | Penelope Schug 25F | Christian Ohlinger
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline