Flight Details
FLIGHT: 84 From: Cancun To: Houston,Texas Depart(s/ed): 02-14-2003 06:30pm Aircraft: 737-200
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: Ba Bye...Hope you fly with us again...remember frequent flier miles will upgrade YOU.
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
10B | Leonel Garramone
12C | Contessa Muhlhauser
12F | Cleotilde Holbach
15A | Gala Thier
16E | Oretha Meury
17F | Hitzeman
19E | Silas Wittlinger
21D | Tinneberg
22A | Sage Podratz
23B | Sumiko Haubner
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline