Flight Details
FLIGHT: 85 From: New Orleans To: Chicago Depart(s/ed): 03-01-2003 11:27am Aircraft: 727-200
Flight Crew: Karl Brannigan Pilot Experience Hours: 90.5 Crashes: 0 Total Flights: 41 Landed
Flight Details: Nice flight. Weather generation programme has been giving me grief. I had the same weather for the entire trip. Auto pilot went west at the start of final vectors for landing. I had to dive to catch the runway. With all of this not a bad landing.
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
01B | Ima Goingtoo 01C | Maragaret Waldhoff
02D | Giovannini
03C | Emory Carlis
03D | kris keller 03D | Kirby Gaumont
04C | Elron Hubbard 10D | Dick Olexa
11B | Merrill Bodrick
12C | Winfred Defilippi
13E | Marcelino Atterson
14D | Fredda Nori
15A | Lieselotte Verhoff
15E | Merlin Mostyn
16B | Collin Prys
16C | Marcelino Vellucci
17A | Frederic Cheser
17C | Corrinne Chicca
17D | Irwin Mador
18B | Oda Storti
18E | Contessa Cleamons
19A | Eleonor Sipper
19F | Tempie Fedorek
20C | Sheba Hokkanen
21D | Lane Suitor
21E | Lashaunda Ethen
22A | Jenae Wamhoff
22E | Rosio Orser
23C | Kirby Rairdon
24A | Cleo Mcconaughy
24E | Cruz Mapalo
25A | Illa Ostlie
25E | Grisel Stojanovic
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline