Take a chance and fly with us.
Current Date/Time:         January 26, 2025, 05:16 ZULU
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Chance Air is a hobby virtual airline run by a couple of flight simulator enthusiasts.
We have no desire to become the biggest or the best VA.
We also have no wish to become a rules based airline where each pilot has to fly according to FAA and CAA regulations.

What we offer

A small fleet with one or two aircraft per range category.
A combination of some of the best freeware and payware models around according to us. ;-)(based on flight model first)
A route network to a wide variety of destinations. (under development)
A place to log and keep a record of your flights.
A ground school for pilots who would like to fly as close as possible to real world procedures.
A passenger booking system and frequent flyers programme. (pilots can virtually fly family and friends to our current destinations)
Aircraft seating diagrams.

Our aim as a virtual airline

When you have set aside time to fly you decide to fly a Chance aircraft using one of our routes.

Our Virtual Airline Role Play Direction. (VARP)

Our current VARP is to develop scheduled airline services to many well known destinations within the Caribbean from Daytona Beach International Airport.

VARP Background

Late last year a group of North American investors felt the time was right to launch a start up airline and compete for some of the lucrative Caribbean holiday traffic. After a six month study of the airports and services offered in the area. A decision was made to base the airline out of Dayton Beach International. Its biggest assets being the potential for growth and the limited number of airlines currently using the airport.

Several short to medium range aircraft were acquired either on long term lease or outright purchase. These aircraft are the backbone of the airline and operate most of the current scheduled and charter services. With an eye to the future an MD-11 was also acquired on a long term lease to begin to develop a long haul / charter service.

VARP Goals

Short Term
Increase number of scheduled services offered to the Caribbean.

Mid Term
Develop routes into North America.
Build a feeder service to and from the major international airports within the local area.

Long Term
Turn Daytona Beach into a major Chance hub serving the Caribbean, North and South America.

Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline