Flight Details
FLIGHT: 105 From: AUSTIN,TX To: TUCSON, AZ. Depart(s/ed): 07-10-2003 06:30pm Aircraft: 727-200
Flight Crew: Pilot Experience Hours: Crashes: Total Flights: Landed
Flight Details: First snapshot shows the aircraft, ready for departure from Austin. We are hoping the guy shows up with the jumper cables...soon.
6:25pm 7/10/03 We are about to startup and git outta here. The RW Pilot freq will be up shortly.
7:10 cst Ok we're off and the pit is fired up....it's abit smokey in here so I might have to open a window....
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
01B | Leo DeCaprio 02A | Robert Newhart 03C | Pipi Lunstaken 04B | SUNDHAR RAJAHAD 15C | Ellen Degenerese 20C | Abdhul Jones 20D | Achmed Smith 30D | SKY MARSHALL BOB
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline