Flight Details
FLIGHT: 119 From: Phoenix, AZ To: Kansas City, KS Depart(s/ed): 09-20-2003 10:15am Aircraft: A321
Flight Crew: Karl Brannigan Pilot Experience Hours: 90.5 Crashes: 0 Total Flights: 41 Landed
Flight Details: A quick change of aircraft for this one to the 737. Not a bad flight, a long delay for take off as we were sixth behind a lot of South West 737's. Then an MD-11 pushed his way in. After take off the flight was standard with a nice landing.
This flight is 0% full
Number of Passengers:
10C | Stacy Stevens 11E | Ian Strous 18A | Joseph Styles 1A | Kris Keller 1B | james mcgatten 1D | Frank Williams 20F | Greg Compton 22F | Tom 24A | Loose Cannon 24B | Lisa Evens 7A | debbie mcgee 7C | Tom lavatory | Liz Pizz RIGHTWING | Crazy Jay
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline