Flight Details
FLIGHT: 37 From: Los Angeles To: Oakland Depart(s/ed): 01-22-2003 12:00pm Aircraft: DC-9
Flight Crew: Karl Brannigan Pilot Experience Hours: 90.5 Crashes: 0 Total Flights: 41 Landed
Flight Details: Not a bad flight. Worked out all the systems on the aircraft. No engine red lines this time. Smooth take off with a moderate head wind all the way to Oakland. Descended into low level cloud and had white out conditions until about 1500 AGL. Had to go round the first time as I broke my own rule of trying to hand fly an approach in no visibility conditions after an IFR flight. Made it second time around. Not a good landing.
Number of Passengers:
Christian Canipe Fernando Mustafa Julio Zapien Jessie Topps
-------------------- Keywords: Chance Air, Chance Airline